Monday, February 26, 2007

InImm Revision

I believe some of us are still confused about what exactly is intracellular, extracellular bacteria. So here's my 2 cents worth.

  1. Bacteria/toxin/viruses attach on the surface of a macrophage.
  2. Taken into macrophage via endocytosis.
  3. Vesicle is formed inside the macrophage. (another name for vesicle is phagosome)
  4. If the phago-lysosome fusion is able to take place, bacteria is called a EXTRACELLULAR bacteria. If the fusion is unable to take place, bacteria is called an INTRACELLULAR bacteria. If the virus manage to penetrate the vesicle to enter into the cytoplasm without the fusion process, it is a FREE-FLOATING CYTOPLASM.


How our immune system is evoked.

  1. Endocytosis of bacteria cell into macrophage.
  2. Fusion of vesicle and lysosome is triggered.
  3. As the fusion is prevented, IL-12 is released by macrophage.
  4. Antigens are processed and presented as MHC Class 2.
  5. APC cell talks to a CD4+ T cell.
  6. IL-12 released by macrophage stimulate CD4+ to differentiate into TH1 t cells.
  7. Activated TH1 cell activates macrophage, makes it more aggressive, forces fusion to occur.
  8. Once fusion has occured and downstream processes is carried out, IL-4 is released by macrophage.
  9. IL-4 activates TH0 T cell into TH2 T cell.
  10. TH2 T cell activates B cell, makes them proliferate and produce antibodies.
  11. Antiobodies will target those intracellular bacteria present outside the cell. (read up on functions of Antibodies)
Example: bacteria toxin

How our immune system is evoked.
  1. Endocytosis of bacteria cell into macrophage.
  2. Fusion of vesicle and lysosome is triggered.
  3. After digestion of bacteria, IL-4 is released by macrophage.
  4. Antigens are processed and presented on MHC Class 2.
  5. APC cell talks to a CD4+ T cell.
  6. IL-4 released by macrophage stimulates TH0 into TH2 T cells.
  7. TH2 T cell activates B cell, makes them proliferate and produce antibodies.
  8. Antiobodies will target those intracellular bacteria present outside the cell. (read up on functions of Antibodies)
Example: viruses

How our immune system is evoked.
  1. Endocytosis of bacteria cell into macrophage.
  2. Viruses manage to penetrate through vesicle and enters cytoplasm.
  3. Antigens are processed and presented as MHC Class 1 molecules.
  4. APC cell talks to CD8+ T cell.
  5. CD8+ T cell is activated and lyse cell via perforins or FasL.

Best of luck!


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

bioinf tips!

Bioinformatics Tips from MB0503.

Section A - MCQs (Week 1 to Molecular Modelling) 20 Marks
Section B - Short Answer Questions 80 Marks
  • 1 Question from Adrian
  • 2 Questions from L.T
  • 3 Questions from William

L.T Topics

1. Protein Analysis - Multiple Sequence Alignment

  • identify similar areas
  • how to use?
  • weaknesses?
  • information that can be derived

2. Genome Analysis - comparative analysis / genome of simple organism

3. Nucleotide Analysis - gene finding alogrithm (GenScan / MZEF)

  • BLAST - similarity & identity
  • the different tools under BLAST
  • ORF - conceptual translation

Willam How's Topics

  • Primary and secondary database
  • Definitions and examples
  • Elaborate on the different databases
  • GenBank - nucleotide / annotation / variable DNA sequence (Partial genes, complete genes, complete genome)
  • How is secondary information derived from primary?
  • Explain the different forms of classification.

Jia You!

Grades Obtained for MedMirro Presentation.

Medmicro Presentation

Virulence (Ernest's Group) - B
Ebola (Yong Sheng's Group) - B+
Vancomycin (Anne-May's Group) - A
Cholera (Yong Cai's Group) - A
Bioterrorism (Candy's Group) - B+
PCR (Kelvin's Group) - A

Note: Medmicro practicals reports are currently with Kelvin. Do collect them from him.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Exams - BPtech

1st Paper

Module: Bioprocess Technology
Format: 4 Questions x 25 marks each
Reminder: Bring your notes as it is OPEN-BOOK and your calculator!

All the best!

BPtech Revision - part 2

Best of luck,

BPtech Revision

To be continued...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Tips for Exams


All questions will be interlinked. Mostly after week 12.


Section A and B-All topics will be tested
Section C-Topics after common test will be tested, 2 questions from Dr Chan, 1 question from
Ms Leong


William How
  • Lecture 1 (Overview)
  1. The 3 central biological processes
  • Lecture 2 (Databases)
  1. Definations of primary and secondary database
  2. Examples of primary and secondary database
  3. Details about nucleotide database
  4. Annotation sequences
  5. Explain why data in nucleotide database is heterogenous
    -complete genome, partial sequences, incomplete genes)
  6. Details about protein database
    -portals, know the member of each portal
  • Week 3 (Secondary Databases)
  1. How info in secondary database is derived?
  2. Different ways of analysis
    -Regular expression (PROSITE)
    -Rules (PROSITE)
    -Fuzzy expression
    -Fingerprints (PRINTS)
    -Hidden Markov Models (pfam)
  • Week 5 (Whole Genome Database)
  1. Comparative Genomics

Lawrence Tham

  • Week 6 (Analysis Tools for Nucleotide I)
  1. Why align sequences
  2. Definations of similarity, identity, conservation, homologues, paralogues, orthologues
  3. Significance of E-value and P-value
  4. Which tools have E-value and P-value, which does not
  • Week 7 (Analysis Tools for Nucleotide II)
  1. BLAST tools
  2. NCBI
  3. Different BLAST tools and when do we use them
  4. Conceptual translation
  • Week 8 (Analysis tool for Protein Sequence Analysis)
  1. MSA
    -purpose of MSA
  3. How to use CLUSTALW
  4. What can u get from CLUSTALW
  5. Limtations of CLUSTALW
  6. Consensus Sequence
    -must be able to interpret the consensus sequence
    -[ yA ] x---v--
    -Know wat the [ ] means, Wat is the use of the capital


  • Qn 1 n 2 on purification
    -Qn1: How to do it and choosing
    -Qn2: Explain how the techniques works
  • Qn3 n 4 on structures
    -topology diagrams
    -domains alone
  • Q5 on folding enzymes
  • Q6 on tags and inclusion bodies
    -Impact Twin
    -Growth curve
    -how proteins form inclusion bodies
    -Interpret from gel


  • AK: Bacterial diseases of the reproductive system
  • Vanaja: Bird Flu lectures, viral pathogenesis lecture
  • Tan Khoon Bin: Mechanism of action and definations
  • Tay Boon Hunt
    -Parasitology: life cycle, parasite that caused GI tract, clinical symptoms of parasites
    that caused GI infection
    -Mycology: different types of mycoses, microscopy, diagnosis (methods, clinical
    -Bacteriology: Neisseria, enterobacteriaceae, microscopy, cultural characteristics,
    biochemical tests


Section A n B

First semester

  • Lecture 2
  1. Concept of exchange
  2. 5 marketing orientations/philosophies
  3. Organisation's marketing environment
    -cultural, economy, social, legal etc
  4. 4 philosophies
    -production orientation
  • Lecture 3
  1. Consumer buying process
  2. Factors influencing consumer behaviour
    -Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    -social factors (reference groups, opinion leaders, family etc)
  3. Types of consumer buying process
    -routine response behaviour
    -limited decision making
    -extensive decision making
  • Lecture 10 (segmentation)
  1. bases for segnentation
  2. criteria for effective segmentation
  • Lecture 11
  1. classifications of products (convenience, specialty, exclusive, unsought)
  2. product mix decisions (line depth, product mix width)
  3. product line
  4. product line depth
  5. types of brand (generic, manufacture, private, co-branding)
  6. product warranty (express, implied)
  • Lecture 12
  1. Marketing mix decisions for product at each stage of PLC
    -product modification
    -quality modufication
  2. new product development process
  3. product characteritics and rate of adoption
    -relative advantages

Second semester

  • Lecture 6 n 7
  1. Types of advertising
  2. advocacy and product advertising
  3. types of advertising appeal
  4. media selection/frequency
  • Lecture 8
  1. Publicity
  • Lecture 9
  1. Personal selling process
    -lead generation (sources of sales leads)
    -tasks of sales management

Section C

  • Marketing Mix
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Lecture 4 (2nd sem)
    -Primary and secondary data
    -how to obtain market share from secondary data
  • Lecture 10 (lst sem)
    -segmentation bases
    -benefits of segmentation
  • Lecture 12 (lst sem)
    -diffusion of innovation
  • Lecture 11 n 12
    -characteristics of PLC
  • Lecture 11
    -purposes of branding
    -uses of packaging
  • key opinion leaders
  • 3 types of product advertising
  • Institutional advertising
  • What type of advertising companies adopt?

Good luck for the exams

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Formats for the exam papers.

  • Module: Bioinformatics
Section A: 20 MCQs x 2 marks each
Section B: 6 Short Answer Questions x 10 marks each

  • Module: Introduction to Immunology
5 questions x 20 marks each

  • Module: Protein Technology
6 questions

  • Module: Medical microbiology
1 from AK
1 from Vanaja
1 from TKB
3 from TBH

  • Module: Molecular Genetics
Section A: 20 MCQs x 2 marks each
Section B: 5 Short Answer Questions x 6 marks each
Section C: 2 Essay Questions x 15 marks each (topics after CT)

  • Module: BPtech
To be confirmed.

  • Module: Marketing for Life Sciences 2
Section A: 20 MCQs x 1 mark each
Section B: 3 short cases (5 MCQs for each case x 2 marks each)
Section C: 3 choose 2 cases x 25 marks each


Sunday, February 4, 2007


Ptech Revision: 3-5pm Block R Level 1

MolGene Lecture: 10.00 to 12noon S-2
InImm Prac Review: 1.00pm LTQ-6

BPtech Practical Quiz: 10.00 to 11.00am S-2
Marketing Presentation by Best Group : S-2

No school.

MolGene tutorial: 12noon to 2.oopm.

  1. Submit the soft copy of your InImm reports for both epracs (Isolation of mononuclear cells & Contact Hypersensitivity) to Mr Ak. His email is:
  2. Submit a hard copy of your Ptech individual report for PBL (if you have not done so) to Carine before/at the start of the Ptech tutorial.
  3. Submit a hard copy of your MolGene report to the classrep on Friday, 9 Feb.

Stay tuned for more updates,

Friday, February 2, 2007

Reports to hand in:
  1. CL 2203 Protein Technology PBL individual report
    Individual report
    Due date: Monday 5/02/2007
  2. CL 2201 Molecular Genetics PCR report
    Individual report
    Due date: Friday9/02/2007
