Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reports to hand in

CL 2202 (Bioinformatics)

  1. Experiment 7-Nocleotide Analysis
    Individual report
    Due on Thursday 4/01/2007
  2. Experiment 8-Multiple Sequence Alignment
    Individual Report
    Due on Thursday 4/01/2007


Reports to hand in

CL 2203 (Protein Technology)

  1. Experiment 7-SDS-PAGE
    Individual report
    Due on Monday 1/01/2007
  2. Experiment no 8-Western Immunoblotting
    Individual report
    Due on Monday 1/01/2007


Reports to hand in

CL 2201 (Molecular Genetics)

  1. E-tutorial week 7-DNA Identification
    Individual report
    Due on Friday 5/01/2007
  2. E-tutorial week *-Transgenic Fly
    Individual report
    Due on Friday 5/01/2007


Reports to hand in

CL 2200 (Immunology)

  1. E-practical 5-Ouchterlony Assay
    Individual report
    Due on Wedsnesday 3/01/2007
  2. E-practical 6-Magnetic Separation of Cells
    Individual report
    Due on Wedsnesday 3/01/2007


Saturday, December 9, 2006

Common Test - Introduction to immunology

CL2200 Introduction to Immunology

The 2 important organisms to read up for Immuno are:
  1. Shigella
  2. E.coli


Common Test - Medical Microbiology

CL2105 Medical Microbiology

The 2 organisms to take note is:
  1. Corynebacterium (Diptheria toxin - responsible for the signs and symptons of diptheria)
  2. Vibrio ( Chloera toxin - most important virulence factor of V.Cholerae)


Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Ptech: tutorials.

Please ensure that you have attempted the following tutorials for Ptech.

Tutorial 1: Primary Structure and peptide Bond

Tutorial 3: Supersecondary Structures of Proteins & Tertiary Structures of Proteins

Tutorial 5: Protein Purification & Column Chromatography

Tutorial 6: Column Ion-exchange Chromatography/ Chromatofocusing

Tutorial 7: HIC; affinity chromatography and size exclusion chromatography


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

CL2207 Marketing for Life Sciences II

Things to include in the REPORT:

Table of contents
Executive summary
Background of company
Situation Analysis: SWOT

Marketing Strategy
* Marketing Research/ Survey
* Findings/ Analysis
Recommendations/ Conclusion

* meetup with Ms Tan.

Deadline for Report: WEEK 13.

Presentation Schedule For MB0505:
Week 13 – Cheesdale
Week 14 – F&N group
Week 15 – Japanese Restaurant
Week 16 – Yogurt Drink
Week 17 – NYP Pharmacy


CL2204 Bioprocess Technology

Answers to Problem Set 9
  1. stirred tank reactor, penicillin, areation, agitation
  2. bubble column, aspect, height, diameter, energy
  3. air-lift, draft, annulus, loop
  4. perfusion, fresh, waste, physical entrapment
  5. active site, conformational, partition, supportm pH, diffuse
  6. rpm, marine, spargers, carbon dioxide

Answers to Problem Set 12

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. b
  5. c
  6. c
  7. d
  8. d
  9. c
  10. d

Answers to Problem Set 13 (Set 1)
  1. b
  2. c
  3. b
  4. a
  5. a
  6. b
  7. a
  8. b
  9. d
  10. c


Common Tests - Timetable

11/12/2006 Monday InImm 12-1pm

12/12/2006 Tuesday MedMicro 12-1pm

13/12/2006 Wednesday Ptech 12-1pm

14/12/2006 Thursday Marketing 12-1pm; Molgene 3.30-4.30pm

15/12/2006 Friday BPtech 12-1pm; BioInf 3.30-4.30pm

*All common tests will be held at R120.

Blogged By: Carine.

Common Test- Formats

Updated: 5.12.2006

1. Format for Ptech Common Test
10 T/F
60mins, last 15mins will be open book for us to check answers
CMS questions are important for CT

2. Format for BPtech Common Test
1 hour, closed book
section A: 30 MCQs
section B: 20 T/F
Please do the review quiz and all related tutorials.

3. Format for MolGene Common Test
10 MCQs, 2 marks each
3 Short Answers, 10 marks each.
All from Ms Leong's lectures.

4. Format for InImm Common Test
15 MCQs
15 True/False
3 Choose 2 Short Answer Questions (1 from Ak, 1 from LWY, 1 from Micheal)

5. Format for Marketing for LS 2
MCQs – 20 Ques ,1 mark each
Short Answers – choose 1 out of 2 (a,b,c,d) 30 marks case study
Topics: Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing Research,

6. Format for MedMicro Common Test
20 MCQs, 2 marks each
2 Short Answer Questions, 5 marks each.
Half from AK, the other half from Vanaja.

7. Format for BioInf Common Test
Section A: 20 MCQs x 2 marks
Section B: 10 Short Answer Ques x 6 marks each - require 4-6 sentences

Blogged By: Carine

Monday, December 4, 2006

Week 8 tutorials

**pls take note that only Immuno tut and Protein Tech tut is changed, the rest remains the same.

Module: CL 2200, Intro to Immunology
Status: live
Venue: NYP Q516
Duration: 10 am to 11 am on 8 nov, Fri

Module: CL 2204 Bioprocess Tech
Status: No Tutorial
Venue: -
Duration: -

Module: CL 2202 Bioinfo (remedial, pls attempt the past year papers)
status: live
venue: Q710
duration: 10-11am on 7 Nov, Thurs

Module: CL 2203 Protein Technology
Status: live
Venue: Q517
Duration: 11am to 12pm on 8 Nov, Fri

Module: CL 2201 Molecular Genetics
Status: live
Venue: NYP Q710
Duration: 12 pm to 2pm
* please rem to wear covered shoes cos the tut is in the lab.

have a blessed week ahead, candy =)



Please note that there will be no lectures for BPtech and InImm this week.

Please check you email for updates on InImm pracs/tutorials.


Sunday, December 3, 2006

Reports to hand in on Week 7

Deadline: MONDAY, 4.12.2006
Report(s): Ptech Expt 5 & 6; MedMicro Expt 4&5
Individual for Ptech, Pair for MedMicro

Deadline: THURSDAY, after 2 weeks break
Report(s): BioInf Practical 7

Deadline: FRIDAY, after 2 weeks break
Report(s): MolGene E-practical for Week7

BioInf Common Test - TIPs

1. Be able to explain what is bioinformatics. ( the use of IT in life sciences, etc...)
3. Know what is a database and what are tools.
3. Bibliography - Journals (e.g. PUBMED)
4. Nucleotide - DNA Sequence
5. Protein - Protein Sequence

Week 2
-Know the definition of primary databases. (archives; contains biomolecular sequences and annotation that tells us what the biomolecule is)
-Be able to give examples of primary databases. (DNA Database - EMBL, GenBank, DDBJ)
-Know how to search for primary database. (e.g. using BLAST - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)

Week 3 & 4
-Seconday Databases
-Definition - derived from primary databases
-Give examples - PROSITE, PRINTS, pfam
-How to search in secondary databases
-Nature of data and how they are derived (Being able to produce diagrams to illustrate how each database works is an advantage)

Blogged By: Carine.